admin [[schedule pushback]] ps1 returned 9/27 ps2 due 10/02 ps3 out 9/27 today defns of expanders existence comparing defns vertex expander draw graph [[sparse graph, but well-connected]] G=(V,E) is a (K,A) vertex expander if S\subseteq V, |S|\le K |N(S)|\ge A*|S| N(S)={u: (u,v)\in E, v\in S} draw graph again interesting parameters D-regular graph N->\infty so get /family/ of graphs clearly |A|\le D want: (\Omega(N),1+\Omega(1)) O(1)-regular vertex expander O(1)-regular hardest regime, most interesting \Omega(N) this is as big as can be 1+\Omega(1) getting 1 is trivial, want to beat this by a constant as constant degree thm: D\ge 3 constant. \exists \alpha>0 such that random N-vertex D-regular graph is (\alpha N,D-1.01) vertex expander with probability \ge 1/2 rmk D=2 does not give vertex expansion as get union of cycles and paths draw this A=D-1-\eps is the "right" answer this theorem is non-trivial: [[how to even sample a uniformly random D-regular graph?]] thm: D\ge 3, \exists \alpha>0 st random D-leftregular bipartite graph on 2N vertices is (\alpha N,D-2) vertex left-expander w/p \ge 1/2 draw graph Pf via probabilistic method union bound + tail inequality random D-leftregular bipartite graph = each left vertex chooses D random neighbors on right side K\le \alpha N S\subseteq V, |S|=K choose DK neighbors of S in sequence v_1,\ldots,v_{DK} v_i is *repeat* if v_i=v_j for j vertex goal: show that spectral expander is also vertex expander defn: \pi probability distribution CP(\pi) is the collision probability [[draw two samples from \pi, what is the probability you get the same value]] [[measure of randomness of \pi]] =\sum \pi_i^2=<\pi,\pi> defn: Supp(\pi)=\{i:\pi_i>0\} [[also a measure of randomness]] eg uniform dist supp=n CP=1/n point dist supp=1 CP=1 lem: CP(\pi)\ge 1/|Supp(\pi)| pf Recall cauchy schwartz ||^2\le S=Supp(\pi) 1=|<1_Supp,\pi>|^2\le <1_S,1_S> <\pi,\pi> = |S|*CP(\pi) rmk: is equality iff \pi is uniform [[want *robust* equality]] lem: CP(\pi)=|\pi-u|^2+1/N Pf <\pi-u,\pi-u> =--+ =1/N for any pi =-1/N [[implies previous lemma, but now does robustly]] thm: G D-regular graph with \lambga. Then for every \alpha, G is (\alpha N,1/((1-\alpha)\lambda^2+\alpha)) vertex expander [[RHS is constant if \lambda,alpha constants]] [[proof idea: random walk matrix makes distance to uniform smaller so this decreases CP so this increases support]] Pf let S be a subset of size \alpha N, take \pi=1_S/|S| |M\pi-u|^2\le \lambda^2 |pi-u|^2 RHS = CP(\p)-1/N=1/S-1/N LHS = CP(M\pi) - 1/N \ge 1/|N(S)|-1/N solving gets N(S)\ge |S|\ge 1/(\lambda(1-\alpha)+\alpha) Rmk: if \alpha=1/2, get (N/2,1+\gamma) vertex expander Thm: for every \delta>0 D\ge 2. If G is D-regular (N/2,1+\delta) vertex expander => \gamma(G)\ge \Omega((\delta/D)^2) [[won't prove this here]] Rmk: so (N/2,1+\Omega(1)) vertex expansion =~ \Omega(1) spectral expansion, for O(1)-degree graph [[contrast to non-equivalence in optimal parameter regimes]] today defns of expanders existence comparing defns next time comparing defns random walks on expanders