admin Problem 2.9 part 6 (pset2 question 1) is optional today 3-sat k-wise independence chebyschev inequality averaging samplers [[end of chapter 3]] next time expanders [[chapter 4]] exact 3-sat recall max-cut [[given a graph, want to partition into two parts to maximize number of edges across cut]] 1/2-approx [[we saw randomized algo, derand via conditional expectations, pairwise independence]] .878-approx known, some evidence is best possible [[ie, doing better might be NP-hard]] defn (=3)-CNF is an AND\circ \OR^3 each clause has *exactly* 3 literals on distinct variables (vars or negated vars) [[special case of 3CNF, which has at most 3 literals]] Max-Exact-3-SAT: given (=3)-CNF, compute the maximum number of simultaneously satisfiable clauses Rmk: NP-hard to compute exactly thm: randomized 7/8-approx algo thm[Hastad]: any constant \eps, 7/8+\eps approx is NP-hard [[can even get NP-hardness for subconstant \eps]] Pf: [[guess for the algorithm]] pick assignment \vx randomnly E[# satisfying clauses] =\sum_i \Pr[clause i is satisfied] u \or \not v \or w has unique unsat assignment, so satisfied w/p 7/8 =(# clauses) * 7/8 rand algo: try this many times derandom: conditional expectations 3-wise independence k-wise independence defn f:[N]\times [H]\to [M] is a k-wise independent hash function if for distinct i_1,\ldots,i_k\in[N] (f(i_1,h),\ldots,f(i_k,h))=(U_M)^k, when h chosen uniformly from H recall: h_{a,b((x)=ax+b is pairwise independent [[proven using facts about interpolating lines through points]] lem: for any (x_1,y_1),\ldots,(x_k,y_k) there exists a unique polynomial of degree f-g is zero => f=g existence define L_i=\frac{\prod_{j\ne i} x-x_j}{\prod_{j\ne i} x_i-x_j} degree k-1 L_i(x_i)=1 L_i(x_j)=0 define f=\sum_i y_i* L_i(x) degree k-1 passes through desired points prop: h:\F\times\F^k\to\F h_{a_0,\ldots,a_k-1}(x)=a_0+a_1*x+\cdots + a_k x^{k-1} is k-wise independent Pf: for distinct x_1,\ldots,x_k\in\F any y_1,\ldots,y_k\in\F want \Pr_{a_i}[h(x_i)=y_i \for all i]=1/\F^k =(# degree chernoff tail bounds pairwise independent => ? defn: Var(X)=\E[(X-\mu)^2], \mu=E[X] Prop[Chebyschev] X random var Pr[|X-E[X]|\ge \eps]\le \var(X)/\eps^2 Pr \Pr[|X-\mu|\ge \eps] =\Pr[|X-\mu|^2\ge \eps^2] now apply markov lem: X_1,\ldots,X_n pairwise independent. X=\sum_i X_i. Var(X)=\sum_i Var(X_i) Pf. Var(X) =\E[(\sum_i (X_i-\mu_i)^2] =\E[\sum_{i,j} (X_i-\mu_i)(X_j-\mu_j)] =\E[\sum_i (X_i-\mu_i)^2] +\E[\sum_{i\ne j} (X_i-\mu_i)(X_j-\mu_j)] =\E[\sum_i (X_i-\mu_i)^2]+0 =\sum_i \Var(X_i) Cor. X_1,\ldots,X_n pairwise independent in [0,1]. X=\sum_i X_i/n Pr[|X-E[X]|\ge \eps]\le 1/(n\eps^2) Pf. Var(X) =\sum Var(X_i/n) =\sum Var(X_i)/n^2 \le 1/n^2 \cdot \sum 1 as |X_i-\mu_i|\le 1 =1/n Chebyschev => result [[this means that pairwise independence is more than just fooling 2-local functions]] defn: a *(\delta,\eps) averaging sampler* is a function Samp:[N]\to[M]^t such that for every f:[M]\to[0,1] \Pr_{z_1,\ldots,z_t\from \Samp(U_{[N]})} [1/t \sum_i f(z_i)>\mu(f)+\eps] \le \delta *boolean sampler* if only for f:[M]\to\bits *explicit* if t-th output computable in poly(log N, log t) time rmk: general sampler compute estimate \hat{f} from samples in arbitrary way averaging samplers are more useful one-sided error guarantee is better for connections to other pseudorandom objects => two-sided via considering 1-f parameters of avg samples #samples #rand bits independent samples 1/\eps^2*\log(1/\delta) m*1/\eps^2*\log(1/\delta) chernoff for t samples in \bits^m requires t*m random bits gives \eps(-\eps^2t/4) error pairwise independent 1/\eps^2*1/delta O(m+\log(1/\eps)+\log(1/\delta)) t samples from \bits^m takes 2\ell random bits \ell=\max{\log t,m}=O(m+\log t) embed [t] and \bits^m into \F_{2^\ell} gives error 1/(t\eps^2) optimal 1/\eps^2*\log(1/delta) O(m+\log(1/\eps)+\log(1/\delta)) [[open]] BPP error reduction: error <1/3 -> error -> 1/2^{-k} so \eps=1/3 in the above \delta=2^{-k} independent samples O(k) O(km) pairwise independent 2^O(k) O(m+k) optimal O(k) O(m+k) [[we'll see!]] skipped topics universal traversal sequences hash tables today 3-sat k-wise independence chebyschev inequality averaging samplers [[end of chapter 3]] next time expanders [[chapter 4]]